The Carolina Kind

This year, I’ve been performing livestream concerts every-other-week for my supporter tribe. The connection we’ve made in that group has been very meaningful to me. I met some of the people in the group two decades ago when I first began releasing music publicly. I know their favorite songs, their families, their health issues, their losses, their celebrations. They have forged friendships with each other from meeting at shows or chatting in the private group. This tribe really is a tight knit community that has taken on a life of its own and for that I am so grateful.

One of the things that strikes me is how often certain songs get requested in my livestreams. “The Carolina Kind” is one of the most requested songs. This song means so much to me because it came from a personal place. And it is such a thrill to know that it hits other people in a personal way.

When I first recorded “The Carolina Kind”, the intent was to put it on an album that would be publicly released by a major label. I hoped it would be the title track. Alas, champions of mine left the label before the album was released, a new guard came into the label and that dream of an album titled, The Carolina Kind by yours truly never came to fruition. Recently, I came across a mockup of what the album cover might have looked like and I thought it would be fun to share.

This might have been what my album cover looked like!

I still love playing “The Carolina Kind.” Sometimes songs lose their shine after years of playing them, but this is a song that still means a lot to me. I’m so glad it means a lot to other people, too. In fact, it means so much that I decided to re-record the song years later and included it on my EP titled, If I Was Your Girl. You can hear the produced studio version two ways:

You can choose to stream it on your favorite digital platform or go old school with a physical copy.