Been a Minute

Hey there! It’s been a while since I’ve properly checked in. A lot of new things have happened since the beginning of 2020. Here’s what I’ve been up to:

  • I became a mom! Yup, I had a baby in late March of 2020, just as everything was beginning to lockdown here in the U.S. I’m a boy mom to an adorable toddler.

  • He was pre-term, so we spent several weeks in the NICU. We will forever be grateful for the nurses, doctors and neonatologists who helped our little nugget grow big and strong. They are angels and heroes.

  • I mostly spent the next several months staring at my beatiful boy and being a hermit. I learned that postpartum baby blues and anxiety is a real thing. But, the fog does eventually lift and when it did…

  • I began diving back into my home studio. I’ve been staying mostly behind the scenes tracking voice overs, vocals and guitars for friends’ projects and corporate clients. It’s opening up a whole new chapter in my creativity and, ultimately, my music career.

  • And now I’m coming out of hiding — feeling good, super busy in a great way, and enjoying the heck out of reconnecting with y’all!

Soooo, catch me up. What have YOU been up to? I’m spending most of my time over on Instagram these days. Hit me up at @laurenlucasinsta and fill me in!