Lauren Lucas

Project Together

Project Together

I don’t always know when my music is truly making a difference in someone’s life. We write and record songs with the intent of moving people, but after we throw these creations out into the world, we rarely know whose ears they’re hitting or if they’re moving anyone at all.

I got to experience a life-changing musical moment recently. I want to tell you about it. Keep reading…

Carolina Peach Cobbler

Carolina Peach Cobbler

Georgia might be known as the “Peach State,” but take it from this Carolina girl: you haven’t lived until you’ve sunk your chops into a free stone South Carolina peach. Read on to see how to make this super simple and delicious Carolina Peach Cobbler recipe…

Up to Somethin'

Up to Somethin'

About two weeks ago, I received a voice message from my friend, Marjorie. "Hey, Lauren, I'm in town tomorrow and curious if you can grab lunch? I'm up to somethin'," she giggled.  

We sat at an outdoor table at Taqueria del Sol in 12th South over fish tacos and margaritas (because Sunday Funday) when she told me she was about to make her Grand Ole Opry debut!