Carolina Peach Cobbler

Georgia might be known as the “Peach State,” but take it from this Carolina girl: you haven’t lived until you’ve sunk your chops into a South Carolina free stone peach. They are the sweetest and juiciest peaches in the world. That’s not an opinion… it’s a fact (okay, maybe not), so why would you make a peach cobbler with any other kind of peach?

Secret ingredient:

Take it from this Carolina girl: you haven’t lived until you’ve sunk your chops into a South Carolina free stone peach.

Head down to your local produce stand before the season is over, get you some free stone SC peaches and make this super simple peach cobbler. This recipe couldn’t be easier and more delicious!

Using self-rising flour cuts out the extra steps of baking soda and powder. This is a great recipe to have your little ones help with the prep because it’s mostly measuring and pouring a few simple ingredients.

My family loves the taste of almond, so you can always substitute almond extract for the vanilla. Personally, I’m a vanilla girl, so that’s what we’re going with in this recipe.

Colder weather will be here before we know it. Don’t let the last hot, sticky, summer weekends go by without trying this sweet and simple dessert!


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