Sweet & Spicy Avocado Toast

I have been LIVING for this avocado toast variation. I don’t know about you, but I tend to eat the same thing for breakfast over and over again until I’m sick of it. Then, I stand in front of the refrigerator with the doors flung wide open wondering what to make because nothing sounds good.

Enter: sweet & spicy avocado toast!

I used to make the standard avo toast — a little avocado sprinkled with salt. Or, I’d throw an egg on top. Those are good, but this recipe takes it to the next level for flavor.

My wellness coach, Cindy, first recommended I try this breakfast staple with gorgonzola cheese for some extra flavor. Cheese may as well be my love language, so I was all in for this suggestion. And the gorgonzola does pack a delicious punch!

Then, I started getting creative and improvising. It’s very mediterranean of me to combine pistachios and honey. That’s such a yummy combo! If you get Mike’s Hot Honey (or a similar brand), you’ll get just the right amount of heat.

On the other hand, I use regular honey (no heat) and remove the pistachios for my toddler. He loves the more simplistic avo toast with a little gorgonzola. (That seems awfully fancy for a 2-year-old, but he can’t get enough!)

I’m a busy mama trying to get the household together in the mornings and out the door. This sweet and spicy avocado recipe is super quick and easy. I also love that it’s full of nutrition with the whole wheat bread, healthy fats from the avocado and added protein from the nuts.

Give this variation a try. Or try your own variation and let me know what you come up with!


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