Episode 5

Ep. 05: Choose Your Attitude, Choose Your Life - with Legendary Fitness Instructor, Mary Helen Yarbrough

Ep. 05: Choose Your Attitude, Choose Your Life - with Legendary Fitness Instructor, Mary Helen Yarbrough

A teacher of mine once told me, “To the extent you experience darkness, you will have the capacity to experience that same degree of light.”

Have you ever heard something like that?

Well, let me tell ya, Mary Helen Yarbrough is no stranger to darkness. She experienced profound losses in her teen and young adult years that sent her life into a spiral. 

So, maybe that explains why she is one of the most authentically positive and inspirational people in my life (and in many others’ lives, as well). 

In Episode 5 of Happiest Hour, we don’t hold back. Mary Helen tells her story of loss and pain, as well as sharing her life philosophy that makes her life tick, and so much more.

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