Cindy Landham

Ep. 04: Food is not your problem, Dieting is not Your Answer - with Cindy Landham

Ep. 04: Food is not your problem, Dieting is not Your Answer - with Cindy Landham

Have you ever felt guilty about eating something? I'm talking, really guilty. Maybe it even sent you down a shame spiral. Do you ever sneak food, or avoid food all together because it's just too hard to control? After you over indulge, do you exercise harder than usual to balance the "damage" you've done? Do you vow to "do better" tomorrow (or when Monday rolls around)? Have you lost and re-gained the same pounds over and over again?

Then, listen up! Most American adults have experienced these thoughts and feelings. I know I sure have. If this sounds like you, too, then this episode is for you.

Before you set your New Years Resolutions around your health for this coming year, please listen to this episode of Happiest Hour with my guest, Liberated Eating Coach, Cindy Landham.